Let’s Cut the Bullshit—Here’s What it Really Means to Diversify Your Workplace. Surface-level tactics won’t cut it.

“To Douglas Davis, co-chair of AIGA’s Diversity and Inclusion Task Force, the idea of inclusivity is rooted in “belonging.” “There’s a designer who might need a wheelchair, or someone who is deaf or hard of hearing, and that designer is coming to this profession and asking ‘Do I belong?’” says Davis. People in leadership positions should ask their team if they feel like they belong, and if they do, then the organization can conclude that it’s a relevant company (time and time again, it’s been proven that diverse organizations are better equipped to serve customers and minimize bias, thus making them relevant). “Employees have to be sober enough to look at the truth,” says Davis. “If people are leaving an organization in droves, it’s because it’s tone deaf at some level.” Assessing itself through the lenses of “belonging” and “relevance” helps organizations stay accountable to those they’re hiring; a sense of “belonging” naturally builds trust and productiveness. But of course, belonging can be relative.” Read the article >